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作者:佚名    文章来源:网络    点击数:    更新时间:2010-3-3


If you travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency. Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance.
Centuries ago, gold coins were used as money because gold is inherently valuable. Today, money is printed on paper. Gold is no longer used as money. Each country uses its own money -- currency, with names such as pound, mark, peso, lira, dollar, franc, yuan, and so on. If people with one national currency want to pay for something in another currency, they have to change their money into the other money. International finance is concerned with exchange rates between the moneys of various countries. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking. International finance is also concerned with the monetary system underlying the exchange rate. 

   几个世纪以前,由于金币本身具有价值而作为货币使用。今天,纸币出现,黄金不再当作货币使用。各国使用本国的货币 --- 货币的名称有,比如,英镑、马克、比索、里拉、美元、法郎、元等等。如果,持有一国货币的人想购买以另一国货币标价的商品,他就必须把一种货币兑换成另一种货币。国际金融涉及到各国货币之间的兑换汇率问题。决定国际货币兑换的比率是国际银行业面临的最复杂的问题之一。国际金融还涉及到以外汇汇率为基础的货币体系问题。 

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